SUMo(Software Update Monitor)을 유지하 PC up-to-date&안전을 사용하여 가장 최근 버전의 소프트웨어!
Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo 알려주는 경우 사용할 수 있는 업데이트하기 전에 당신의 소프트웨어를 사용해야합니다.
-설치된 소프트웨어의 자동 감지
-검출이 필요한 업데이트/함유한 소프트웨어
필터/권한을 부여 베타 버전(사용자 설정)
-Ignore list:만 추적 소프트웨어 YOU 하려는 트랙
-상 호환성 및 미만 긍정적인 거짓는 다른 사람보다 Update Monitors(에 따라 사용자는 의견; -)
-국제화를 지원합니다.
이 프로그램은 11 상을 수상하였습니다
Pretty good program, since I have a lot of video & audio programs on my PC I would like to keep updated. At first did not like it, since it took so long to scan thru all my programs etc on start up, then figured out how to go through and tried to uncheck certain programs from scan. Wish it had better options to do this like option to only scan my video or audio programs, or PC utility programs only. After a going through and adding many programs to the ignore list, SUMo does load and scan faster now, but I wish it was much faster still and gave more custom scan options. Some addtl feedback issues had: **Even when selected Ignore my Microsoft files- SUMo still pulls up a bunch of the same old broken or missing files in scan, cannot find an option to overlook or ignore these files. **Found many major and minor program updates shown in SUMo, are just not accurate or valid. Overall, still a nice little program, that I hope they keep improving!
SUMo is really the most powerful update manager ever. I really tested many of them, also Software Informer. But SUMo is much better!Pros: + You can add folders to scan so SUMo detects also portable applications (that are not installed) + SUMo detects installed versions better than other update manager + New versions are added very quickly to the SUMo database (in Software Informer some reported updates took weeks until they were offered) + SUMo does not steal your user-data (the SUMo server never know what software a specific user has installed) + Very quick and very friendly support
Very good at detecting your software, but when you click on"Get Update", the whole program falls short, it takes you to a Google search page with numerus links that may or may not pertain to the version of software you need.